Exhibition & Panels at ISMAR, The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Munich, Germany. Panel: Disrupting the Market Thursday 11 September, 2014 02:00 PM, ISMAR 2014, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching /Munich. With: Heath Bunting, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Annette Domz and Wolf Lieser. Chaired by Marc Garrett This panel looks at alternative […]
Author Archives: tati
Disrupting Business @ Art Meets Radical Openness
Tatiana Bazzichelli is curating a Disrupting Business Conference Track at the Art Meets Radical Openness Festival in Linz, Austria (28 May – 1 June, 2014). The festival, under the theme “Autonomy (im)possible?”, is dedicated to art, hacktivism and open culture and organised by Us(c)hi Reiter – servus.at, with the contributions of external curators: among Tatiana […]
The Art of Disrupting Business (Video)
My talk “The Art of Disrupting Business” has been selected for re:publica 14. Scheduled on May 8, 2014 – 10:00 to 11:00, at re:publica festival in the STATION-Berlin in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Short thesis: Tatiana Bazzichelli describes the concept of “disruptive business” as an art practice, Her analysis becomes an opportunity to imagine new possible routes of […]
New Book – Disrupting Business
Disrupting Business: Art & Activism in Times of Financial Crisis Data Browser 05 Edited by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Geoff Cox Pub Date: 10/01/2013 Publisher: Autonomedia Read more
Business Disruption at “OMG Agorà” Milan
How “disruption” creates innovation and business The media sociologist Tatiana Bazzichelli, expert on the contaminations between art, hacktivism and the business of social media, and curator of the transmediale Festival in Berlin, was guest of the last meeting “OMG Agora” – program of conferences organized in Milan by the OMG (Omnicom Media) Group for their […]
Interrupção em Rede: Speaking about Networked Disrpution at USP – São Paulo University
Interrupção em Rede: Repensando Oposições em Arte, Hacktivismo e Negócios da Rede Social Following the aim to connect together institutions, artists and researchers within the contemporary media culture scenario, in the time-frame 11th May – 3rd June, 2013, Tatiana Bazzichelli traveled to Brazil to get in contact with local and translocal projects, events and institutions […]
Networked Disruption @ Cyber*Resistance
April 4-6, 2013: CYBER*RESISTANCE at Cantiere Social Center, Milan, Italy Tatiana Bazzichelli presents the book Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking, during the event Cyber*Resistance at the Cantiere Social Centre in Milan. 3 DAYS of workshops, debates, presentations, exhibitions, workshops, music, installations, live performances, artivism, sharing of knowledge […]
Networked Disruption – Book Launch
Tuesday, 26 March 2013, 20:00 – late c-base (Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin, S/U Jannowitzbrücke) The event reSource 004: Networked Disruption (part of the series of event by the reSource transmedial culture berlin) reflects on how the current techno-economic paradigm of Web 2.0 has challenged notions of art and hacktivism. Named after the just-published book by […]
Disrupting the Bureaucracy, Rethinking Social Networks
Conference -Networks – Fri 01.02.2013 – 15:00 transmediale festival 2013, BWPWAP, Auditorium, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Includes a performative rubber-stamp intervention by Lutz Wohlrab, and Karla Sachse. This panel adopts the concept of “Disrupting Bureaucracy” as a comparative standpoint to analyze grassroots artistic interventions in the digital and analog framework of contemporary social […]
“The Aesthetics of Disruptive Business”: Panel
@ “Aesthetics Re-loaded“, International conference December 11-13, 2012, Aarhus University, Denmark The aim of the conference is to advance and exchange basic research on aesthetics within the field of new technology. The conference explores the concept of aesthetics by investigating the challenges new computational technologies pose for current aesthetic theory. Confirmed keynote speakers include Bernard […]