Exhibition & Panels at ISMAR, The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Munich, Germany. Panel: Disrupting the Market Thursday 11 September, 2014 02:00 PM, ISMAR 2014, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching /Munich. With: Heath Bunting, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Annette Domz and Wolf Lieser. Chaired by Marc Garrett This panel looks at alternative […]
Category Archives: Disruption
Disrupting Business @ Art Meets Radical Openness
Tatiana Bazzichelli is curating a Disrupting Business Conference Track at the Art Meets Radical Openness Festival in Linz, Austria (28 May – 1 June, 2014). The festival, under the theme “Autonomy (im)possible?”, is dedicated to art, hacktivism and open culture and organised by Us(c)hi Reiter – servus.at, with the contributions of external curators: among Tatiana […]
The Art of Disrupting Business (Video)
My talk “The Art of Disrupting Business” has been selected for re:publica 14. Scheduled on May 8, 2014 – 10:00 to 11:00, at re:publica festival in the STATION-Berlin in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Short thesis: Tatiana Bazzichelli describes the concept of “disruptive business” as an art practice, Her analysis becomes an opportunity to imagine new possible routes of […]
Interrupção em Rede: Speaking about Networked Disrpution at USP – São Paulo University
Interrupção em Rede: Repensando Oposições em Arte, Hacktivismo e Negócios da Rede Social Following the aim to connect together institutions, artists and researchers within the contemporary media culture scenario, in the time-frame 11th May – 3rd June, 2013, Tatiana Bazzichelli traveled to Brazil to get in contact with local and translocal projects, events and institutions […]
Networked Disruption @ Cyber*Resistance
April 4-6, 2013: CYBER*RESISTANCE at Cantiere Social Center, Milan, Italy Tatiana Bazzichelli presents the book Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking, during the event Cyber*Resistance at the Cantiere Social Centre in Milan. 3 DAYS of workshops, debates, presentations, exhibitions, workshops, music, installations, live performances, artivism, sharing of knowledge […]
Anonymous Codes: Disruption, Virality and the Lulz
Conference – Fri 03.02.2012 – 14:00 transmediale 2012, in/compatible Auditorium, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Panel with Jacob Appelbaum (us), Gabriella Coleman (us), Dana Buchzik (de) and anonymous Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (it/de) Chaired by Krystian Woznicki (de/pl) In the book Pranks! (Re/Search, 1987), V. Vale and Andrea Juno pointed out that pranks, tricks […]